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Posts published in “Day: July 13, 2016

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, July 14, 2016

Hospital Forum;
Wildland Fire;
Inconsistant Responses;
Elder Boxes;
Summer Bounty;
Clearlake Homicides;
Footlighters Mess;
Proposal Qualifies;
Cannabis Culture;
Yesterday's Catch;
Democratic Fix;
K2 Zombies;
Companion Benefit;
SacBee Event;
Job Fair;
Planning Agenda;
CPUC Hearing;
Cloverdale Tax;
FB Economy;
Drug War


[Jul 30] The Elk Volunteer Fire Department invites you to its 12th annual Summer BBQ to be held Saturday, July 30, from noon to 4…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Initiative Qualifies;
Modern Pilgrims;
Pot Tax;
Dogwood THP;
Rural Living;
Foster Pets;
Art Fair;
Wine Constraint;
Village Delay;
Yesterday's Catch;
Symbolic Representative;
Peterson Pleads;
Jazz Shows;
W Appears;
Early Elk;
Mendocino Coast;
Revolution Undermined;
Brown Talks;
Wildfire Preparedness;
Stock Buyback

The Yellow Submarine

When I was earning my living fishing, I, just as you, got pretty good at predicting weather by looking at clouds, waves, the behavior of…

Walking In Tommy’s Shoes

Monday night the Fort Bragg city council approved an interim harbor commissioner to replace Tommy DeAnconia who recently passed. Tommy was indeed a cultured cosmopolitan…

Kevin & Mumia

Yesterday, the basketball player Kevin Durant signed a two-year contract with the Golden State Warriors for 55 million dollars and I read Chris Hedges’ interview with Mumia Abu Jamal, who has now served thirty-five years of a life sentence for a murder he may or may not have committed.

MJ Saves Medicare Money

Researchers at the University of Georgia have published a study in the July issue of Health Affairs showing that Medicare's prescription drug benefit program saves money…
