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Posts published in “Day: May 4, 2016

Letters (May 4, 2016)

I have been watching with amazement the growing hysteria about transgenders in public bathrooms. It is not only a issue in the South but also here in Montana. Facebook is full of strident voices about stationing straight male guards in women's bathrooms to protect them from transgender predators. Are they confused or what? No woman has been attacked by a transgender woman in a public bathroom anywhere in the country. It never happens. It is not an issue.

Miles Davis: Ace Of Baseness

Must the virtuoso but virtuous? In The Republic Plato answered the question with an emphatic, uptight: yes. Most moderns by contrast are blithely willing to…


Obamacare? I know nothing about it, but it seems those who hate it are the same ones who hate Obama for the usual reason. I've…

Bring Out The Clowns

In this decade of maximum peril, a prankish God delivers two maximally detested candidates to lead the faltering nation as events run ahead of all…

Off the Record (May 4, 2016)

OF ALL THE MURKY deals made by our County’s overpaid, underworked leadership, the new County Courthouse presently beginning to establish itself in Ukiah is the…

Valley People (May 4, 2016)

ANGER AND DISBELIEF rocked the Anderson Valley last Wednesday afternoon at the astonishing news that Lorenzo Rodriguez was out of police custody, and had been…

Bird’s Eye View (May 4, 2016)

Mothers Day is this coming Sunday, May 8th, a day we have set aside to show our mothers our love, affection and appreciation. It’s a lovely thing of course but hopefully something we should strive to do every day. Unfortunately we often fall short in doing so.
