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Posts published in “Day: March 23, 2016

Bernie Blackout

Last week, Bernie Sanders gave a major speech in Arizona on the eve of a day of primary elections in which he, by the way, was one of the major candidates. And not a single cable or network channel mentioned the speech or carried even a portion of his stirring address. This is not surprising, but maddening. The corporate media is called the corporate media for a reason: they do the bidding of the rulers of the large corporations currently ruling the world, and that bidding right now is to defeat Bernie Sanders and elect Hillary Clinton who has been their loyal puppet for her entire political career.

Homesteading in Anderson Valley

The recent story about the Hollisters in Comptche and their history prompts me to want to share some of my experiences from the 1970s on…

Transparency Could Benefit MCHC

I went to the Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center (MCHC) Board of Directors meeting last Thursday, March 17. A belated Happy St. Patrick's Day to you…

Privatize the Animal Shelter

More often than not, I agree with the AVA on so many local issues but I really needed to address your article below as inaccurate.…

The Time Was Then

White’s Field, 1927 — Somebody must have been over to Willits last night, because the news spread: the circus is coming and they have an…

1984 Revisited

"Establishment" is now a meaningless word, with one faction of the establishment accusing another of being "establishment." Another co-opted term. In the 60's we knew…

Measure V: Arguments For & Against

Citizens of our county have the right to protect their environment through self-governance. The timber industry has killed and left millions of trees standing dead over tens of thousands of acres with no end in sight. Industry has failed to self-regulate in the face of an unprecedented drought, burdening the people with unreasonable financial and health hazards. Dead trees can and do cause great bodily harm, including death.

Valley People (Mar 23, 2016)

DON CARSON has died. He lived for years in the last house at the top of Lambert Lane, Boonville, with his wife, Betsy, a talented…

Bird’s Eye View (Mar 23, 2016)

They’re back! No, I’m not referring to the helicopter-like sound pollution of the frost protection fans used by certain Valley wineries; not yet anyway. I’m referring to the beautiful sight of blossoms on the apple trees; the delightful vistas of buttercups and daisies scattered around the hillsides; the heart-warming glimpses of lambs prancing in the pastures; and the comforting sound of the metal bats of the high school baseball team crushing balls into outfields and beyond. One and all are just some of the gloriously bucolic sights and sounds of the Valley in springtime.

Ad Hoc-ing Mendo’s Pot Rules

The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors’ Medical Marijuana Ad Hoc Committee unveiled its recommendations for countywide medical cannabis cultivation permits Tuesday. If revised and adopted by…
