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Posts published in “Day: October 28, 2015

The Reluctant Consumer Redux

My father was an anarchist and didn't know it.  When the Connecticut State Police first made the announcement that "driving is not a right, it…

Graphic Novels

Last night we watched a DVD of the new movie People, Places, Things. The film did not have a theatrical release, which is the fate of most movies made in America these days unless they are massively expensive blockbusters. People, Places, Things is not a blockbuster and probably didn’t cost much to make, and Marcia and I both very much enjoyed the movie.

Holding The Helping Pros Accountable

Last Wednesday the helping professionals from County Mental Health, led by newly appointed interim County Counsel Katherine ‘Kit’ Elliott, the helping pros came to court to answer to a summons from Judge Ann Moorman regarding the pile up of mentally ill inmates at the jail, all accused of crimes, most of the crimes petty.

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 28, 2015)

This weekend sees the end of Daylight Savings Time and therefore the clocks go back. So when it is almost dark on Sunday evening, it will be 6pm, not 7pm.

Off the Record (Oct 28, 2015)

WE SPOKE LAST WEEK with a retired County Mental Health staffer familiar with Mental Health services before and after Ortner. ORTNER MANAGEMENT GROUP is a…

Navarro River Monitoring Presentation

Monday November 9th, from 6-9 pm at the AV Grange in Philo. Dr. Christopher Woltemade, Geography-Earth Science Professor from Shippensburg University, will be presenting on…

Getting Out of Dodge

Sometimes it’s good to get out of the Valley and see a thing or two. My Mom Muriel Ellis decided to go to a writer’s…

Piano Concert in Mendocino

Coast Chamber Concerts presents pianist Frank Wiens on Sunday, November 8 at 3 p.m. in Preston Hall, Mendocino. Known for his technical brilliance, Mr. Wiens…
