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Posts published in “Day: September 9, 2015

The Big Trees

The biggest Eucalyptus tree is not Clint Eastwood’s Blue Gum in Carmel, but the Alexander Cockburn Tree in Petrolia. A team of scientists showed up…

Long Time Coming, Long Time Gone

On the day Pope Francis released his encyclical on the fate of the Earth last June, I was struggling to climb a near vertical cliff…

Going Dry Fast (Part 2)

For years, wine industry leaders have opposed regulation on the grounds that it is burdensome and of questionable value. California agribusiness representatives have consistently maintained that they can manage their properties in an environmentally responsible manner without the need for government oversight. In the case of the wine industry, the leading edge of this effort is a marketing and certification initiative called “fish friendly farming” which has certified 100,000 acres of vineyards, including a majority of those that suckle at the banks of the Russian River.

Electronic Sturm und Atonal Drang

Live long enough if you’re human, or stand long enough if you’re a building, and you’ll witness history overtake you. For the phenomenon to assume…

Off the Record (Sep 9, 2015)

KC MEADOWS' SUNDAY editorial in the Ukiah Daily Journal, reprinted here, chastised Supervisor Woodhouse for his faux sincerity, his constant claim that he's new at the job and wants to learn. He's almost a year in the job and there's not that much to learn. It was highly disingenuous of Woodhouse, for instance, to raise the correct questions about the Ortner contract for mental health services then not join Supervisors McCowen and Gjerde in voting against renewal of the County's contract with Ortner. As Meadows points out, smarm may work in real estate sales but it's insulting at the local level of government.
