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Posts published in November 2014

Grandpa’s Last Ride

Last Friday afternoon Kenneth Wilkinson, 22, was sentenced to 25-to-life with a possibility of parole in 23 years. Wilkinson has already served two years in…

Valley People (Nov 19, 2014)

DONNA PIERSON-PUGH, long-time principal at the Elementary School, has told colleagues that she is retiring at the end of this school year. HEARTENING TO SEE…

Bird’s Eye View (Nov 19, 2014)

Inevitably we have a huge screen television here at The Three-Dot Lounge, not just for the sports but for all sorts of other quality programming that is available to the discerning viewer. Perhaps some of those people in the Valley who never miss a chance to inform anyone listening that they don’t have a television, will also one day realize this. Yes, if one looks beyond regular network TV there is much that is informative, mentally stimulating, and entertaining to the intelligent adult.

Willits Library: New Schedule

Willits Library returns to a Tuesday through Saturday schedule, with a “We’re OPEN” celebration on Friday, December 12th. At 10am we open with Mr. Mac…
