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Posts published in “Day: October 22, 2014

Off the Record (Oct 22, 2014)

THE WEASELS of the Demo Central Committee are pulling out all the stops to vilify Lindy Peters. As they do everywhere in the County, from school boards to supervisor, the conservative libs try to make all our elected bodies into self-selected, self-perpetuating jobs programs for themselves and their friends. An independent-minded candidate terrifies them.

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 22, 2014)

So, just over a week after the new doctor’s “Meet and Greet the Community” event, developments at the Health Center would seem to have taken on farcical proportions. Like many others, I have been inundated with a veritable surge of emails on this topic that all came from within the same group of about 80 Valley folks who make up a sincere, well-intentioned, and cohesive email assemblage whose efforts are commendable.
