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Posts published in “Day: October 8, 2014

Runaway Red

Most of us shoot ourselves in the foot from time to time, metaphorically anyway, but Kenneth McCarty shot himself in the foot then ran over…

Panther Soccer (Oct 8, 2014)

Following the huge disappointment of last week’s 1-2 loss against St. Vincent’s, it would be a challenge for the team to bounce back to winning…

Young Giants

As the Giants took the field, we saw they were taking this opportunity to give many of their regular players some much needed rest.

Letters (Oct 8, 2014)

Okay, you Nattering Nabobs of Negativism, listen up. I know you’re tired, disgusted, and thoroughly pissed off by the Gigolos running this country. You and I know almost all politicians are for sale to the highest bidder and we know the highest bidders are getting richer every day on the backs of us wage slaves. And, it seems there’s nothing we can do about it. Or is there?
