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Posts published in May 2014

Laura’s Law, Take 2

The Mental Health Board of Mendocino County held a special meeting on May 7th to hear additional information regarding Laura's Law (Assembly Bill 1421) and…

Off The Record (May 14, 2014)

READING THE CANDIDATE STATEMENTS in the sample ballot for the June 3rd election is a dispiriting experience. The “liberal” candidates are slick enough to stick…

THC & The Teen Brain

A Bay Area drug educator urged Mendocino County parents to talk to their kids about the potential effects of regular marijuana use on children’s brains.…

Fans of the Industry

When Anderson Valley resident Wendy Read called a public meeting to rally sleep-deprived opponents of frost fans in the vineyards, she may not have expected…

My Grapes or Your Sleep

Sleepless people are unhappy people, and there are lots of sleepless, unhappy people in the Anderson Valley these days. Many of Anderson Valley's grape growers,…

Letters (May 14, 2014)

My name is Wendy Read and I am the one who organized the community meeting last Wednesday to address the use of the nocturnal frost monsters now employed by some of the grape growers in Anderson Valley. If you live near one, you know what I mean. If you don’t, it’s difficult to impress upon you the devastating noise and vibration that roars through my home and dozens of others when these monsters are active in the wee hours of the night.

Bird’s Eye View (May 14, 2014)

Let me begin by informing you of some phone numbers that may well play small but significant parts in our lives over the next year or so. First, here is the number to call if you wish to express comments or make complaints about the noise pollution from the frost protection fans that many, but not all, of our local wineries have been guilty of causing in recent times. 901-7441.
