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Posts published in November 2013

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Fifty years ago, on November 22nd, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated by…

49ers & Incognito

As most of you probably know, the 49ers lost to the Carolina Panthers on November 10th in Candlestick Park on a sunny San Francisco day.…

Panthers Win League Championship

The postseason for the High School Boys’ soccer team began in earnest last Wednesday (November 13) with a home match in the quarter-finals against Geyser­ville,…

Mendocino County Today: November 20, 2013

THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION, meeting in Newport Beach last week, denied the appeal of the Ten Mile Dunes project sponsored by State Parks. The project,…

Aht & Cultcha

I was curious to see this creation that someone, osten­sibly a human being, paid 142 million dollars for, and when I found the image online and made the triptych large and clear on my computer screen, I was surprised by how unremarkable I found this work to be. I’m sure there are academics and art experts galore who can bab­ble at length about why “Three Studies of Lucian Freud” painted by Francis Bacon in 1969 is of great importance in the history and evolution of modern art, but to my eyes this is yet another case of the emperor’s new clothes, as opposed to innovative, revolutionary, or masterful art.

Supes To Factory Neighbors: Shut Up

In a purely symbolic move on Tuesday, November 5, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors discussed a “Right To Industry” ordinance that would tell anybody…

Crazy Vatos Dos

Fort Bragg gangster Ivan Sanchez survived an effort to indict him on the attempted murder of his girlfriend last week. The indictment failed — not…

50 Years

I was on my way to eighth grade math class, in the makeshift middle school in Dixon, in Solano County (four years after my family…

Nameless, Faceless Helpers

Last week some local newspapers published what was essentially a press release from Mendocino County’s Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA). The article opens with…
