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Posts published in May 2013

Mendocino County Today: May 5, 2013

 Most of Saturday’s Boonville BeerFest drinkers were young white people. Veteran festers said attendance seemed to be up, traffic down, this year.…

Mendocino County Today: May 4, 2013

TODAY'S TOUR BRINGS US TO SAN JOSE: Between the splendor of Santana Row and the wretchedness of these tent cities, there is the ordinary San…

River Views

The next time you venture to Mendocino you’ll want to step inside Frankie’s Creamery. If you have never been to Frankie’s, what’s wrong with you?…

Mendocino County Today: May 3, 2013

THE MEETING to discuss Mendo street people seems to have embarrassed the Mendocino Village people who called it. DAVID GURNEY WRITES: “On Monday, April 29,…

Letters To The Editor

NAZI ERRATA AVA, While reading The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Wilhellm Keitel, Oberkommando der Wehmacht under Adolf Hitler in World War Two I came across the…

Mendocino County Today: May 2, 2013

THE LAST TWO tree sitters at the Willits Bypass have come down from their nests. Jean Weilbach, 23, of Fort Bragg, who'd called herself “Crow”…

Split Stuff

As noted in my earlier article “Big Timber," logging was a major commercial activity in Anderson Valley for more than a century and had two…

Prohibition ’37: Anslinger’s Testimony

Continued from last week’s AVA —the House Ways and Means Committee Hearing at which the prohibition of marijuana was considered by Congress. Narration by Fred…

Prince’s Sign O’ The Times

When The Artist Again Known As Prince first exploded into superstardom three decades ago, I had just moved to San Francisco and his music —…
