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Posts published in December 2012

Mendocino County Today: December 16, 2012

JAMES MARMON, a Mendocino County CPS worker fired for identifying the precise problem with CPS, again puts his finger right on the nut of the…

Mendocino County Today: December 15, 2012

HUMBOLDT BAY BILLIONAIRE Rob Arkley, having long ago purchased the Eureka City Council and the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors, is now intent on securing…

Aesop’s Fables Quiz

There are well over 600 Aesop's Fables. Some are well known. Some are obscure. Here are a few of them. We'll give you the fable,…

Mendocino County Today: December 14, 2012

SEEMS LIKE every month there's an announcement specially aimed at the dimmer sectors of our palest demographic. This month, it's the news out of the…

We Are All Customers

This photo was posted on The Other 98%'s facebook page tagged "An important safety tip." I get the importance of shock value. This photo caught…

Mendocino County Today: December 13, 2012

OUR NEW COUNTY COUNSEL, Tom Parker, told the Ukiah Daily Journal, when he arrived a few months ago, that he was abreast of marijuana court…

Letters To The Editor

QUASH THE SUBPOENA Editor, Quash The Federal Grand Jury Subpoena — The Mendocino County Sheriff's Office was issued a federal grand jury Subpoena on 10/23/12…

The Goldeneye Diaries

What’s interesting about winemaker Zach Rasmusen’s protocol of running a crew is that the first 20 to 30 minutes of every morning is spent stretching…

The Philanthropist Of Greenwood Road

Philanthropist is a Greek word that means ‘friend of the people.’ Local Englishman John Williams was certainly that to many. He died of a heart…
