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Posts published in “Day: February 10, 2011

First The Downers, Then The Uppers

Using music as medicine goes back to Antiquity and beyond. The Greeks were not alone in recognizing that music was powerful stuff, capable of not…

Dead Airplane Kerouac Caen

When my wife and I joined forces four years ago, she came equipped with the nicely aged Toyota pickup I’d always wanted and I came with a Toyota station wagon ideal for toting cellos, so we swapped.

Music For The Sickbed

Using music as medicine goes back to Antiquity and beyond. The Greeks were not alone in recognizing that music was powerful stuff, capable of not…

The God That’s Failing

Turn on the TV and you hear the predictable bray from predictable types like Mort Zuckerman, Zbigniev Brzezinski, John Bolton and the Israel Lobby passim…

Letters To The Editor

PULLING TEETH Editor, I was born in 1938. In that year the American Medical Association got the legislation it wanted from the FDR Administration here…

Affinito Still Gouging Fort Bragg

Thanks to some excellent follow up work by Ukiah Daily Journal reporter Tiffany Revelle, we learned last week that the County is still paying an…

Going Nowhere Fast

The lowest point in last Tuesday’s slightly unhinged Board of Supervisors meeting was the slam dunk of Supervisor John McCowen’s noble attempt to address the…
