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Posts published in “Day: September 10, 2003

The Great Republic of Rough and Ready

A one sentence blurb in California Travelers' Trivia attracted my attention: "The small hamlet (Rough and Ready) seceded from the Union in 1850 and did…

Mendo’s Unstable Budget

The just concluded County budget hearings saw the supervisors institute an across-the-board 10.1% spending cut. Everything got whacked that much. Redundant departments?  Excessive pay for…

Lightning Strikes Anderson Valley

Wednesday morning’s freak storm system sparked dozens of lightning-fires in Mendocino County and in many other places on the Northcoast. About a dozen fires blew…

Introducing Hiram Johnson

Folks, please understand one thing: The politicians, special interests, the big money boys, and the namby-pamby-fake-liberal media all fervently believe you are stupid. These elites,…
