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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (December 16, 2020)

This pandemic has been so hard for our children. Every time we turn around, there are new rules and guidelines, and even more of their normal life being stolen away from them...

Letter to the Public

It seems I have inadvertently been making the local news lately and would like to clarify what is true and what isn’t. I’ve been called a bigot, a racist and have been accused of promoting…

Letters (December 9, 2020)

The entire county is watching. The citizens of Covelo are frightened. There is only one main paved road in and out of this cursed valley of genocide and death...

Letters (December 2, 2020)

Some years ago I heard a radio show that was astounding! Interviews with two separate doctors (there may have been more, I can’t remember) who each said that a number of babies they had delivered were born hermaphrodites...

Letters (November 25, 2020)

$10.9 million for a Hobo Hotel in Ukiah? Get mad? No. Ask questions? Yes. Your tax dollars at work? Not really. Stuffing corrupt pockets all the way down the line.

Letters (November 18, 2020)

Food Bank Thanks | Open 'Em Up | Won’t Save The Whales | Heads Up, Dudes | Shoulda Been Postponed | Huffman Disappoints | Choices | Big Diff | Kicking & Screaming… | Get A…

Letters (November 11, 2020)

On The Head & Above The Fold! | True Story | How About The Trees, Sage? | No Hitter, But Lotsa Errors | Connecting Some Dots | Elders Shorted | Not My President | In…

Letters (November 4, 2020)

Lanny Cotler wrote a better than average letter to the AVA, "Leading from the Bottom." He is on the right track here as he may agree with me which is not a bad position to be in

Letters (October 28, 2020)

Ever since the Republican convention Melania Trump has seemed happier than at any point since Election Day 2016. I think I know why.
