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Posts published in “Essays”

Anatomy of a 49er Look-See

As I wrote in the March 15 paper, this reporter and Logger Head Coach Jerry Philbrick and Logger defensive coordinator Dan Kuny had phoned our beloved SF 49ers in an attempt to get the pro…

The Eel River, Then & Now

The very first day I saw this River I made myself a promise that I would buy myself a site on the bank of it.  We got up early that day — myself, Eddie Downing,…

Money Talk

The Board of Supervisors were told Tuesday the county’s finances are in pretty good shape following a mid-year budget review.  The real question, though, is how long will that healthy condition last? According to Acting…

The Legacy of Patti Campbell

Patti Campbell's long-running record of duplicity and damage to Fort Bragg and the 4th District of Mendocino County hit another  low point this week with the loss of funding for the Pudding Creek Trestle Bridge…

How the Lord’s Avenger Read His Bible

At the Bari-Bombing meeting in Garberville Bruce Anderson mentioned a conversation with an FBI agent concerning the Lord’s Avenger letter in which the editor asked him if he’d checked the Bible quotes in a Concordance?…

How to Parlay PC Slogans into Government Millions

A built-to-kill pipe bomb exploded beneath the driver’s seat of Judi Bari’s car in the noon-hour traffic of downtown Oakland on Friday, May 24th 1990. That there was an explosion in Judi Bari’s Subaru wagon…

New Age Narcissism

It won't come as news to most AVA readers, but as I was recently reminded, there's no narcissism like New Age narcissism. “New Age” ideas allow the already self-absorbed to go beyond mere egotism into…


I mentioned to a friend that I’d tried to get the Mateel Community Center to rent me space to present the Who Bombed Judi Bari Road Show, now in its third month of growing audiences…

War Stories: At the Front

Since we put the Veterans window in at Rossi Hardware’s display window on Armistice Day and, apparently because of the impact of the movie “Saving Private Ryan,” I have had a number of people say…
