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Posts published in “Essays”

Long Lost Relatives

I've got twin male cousins of roughly my vintage that I've always known existed, but beyond that hazy awareness I've known nothing of my reprobate uncle's children. “Uncle Bob,” as he was referred to in…

Welcome Home, Brittney

The joy on Brittney Griner’s face – pure relief expressed in a smile – came as a sweet surprise after all these months of seeing her grim and sad behind bars.  Why does she need…

Cannabis Lab Notes

To this day I'm kind of amazed when people flat-out lie to your face when they know you  know the truth. Or they lie to the media when they're aware that at least a few…

I Sold A Book The Other Day

I sold a book the other day. I’ve sold literally, no exaggeration, millions of books in 45 years as a bookseller, but this was a unique event; this time it was a book I had…

Tommy Can You Hear Me?

The ability to hear clearly being the last refuge of a guy clinging desperately to middle age, I ignored, denied and resisted the idea I might need a hearing aid. It was different when my…

Namaste, Everyone

After reading his messages in the AVA for lo these many years, I finally met Craig Louis Stehr in downtown Ukiah. Having no idea of what he looked like (he emailed me an AVA profile…

A Voice Of Sanity In The Ukraine War

The Monroe Doctrine has been a No-Trespassing sign nailed to the gate of US foreign policy for almost 300 years. Naval exercises are performed by the US in places like the Yellow and South China…

Lip Service in Qatar

From now on when you google the phrase “lip service” you should by rights be taken directly to the video of the members of Iranian national soccer team making the least possible show of singing…

China Tries to Quietly Back Down on Zero-COVID Policy

Since the start of the pandemic, China has attempted to control COVID through widespread testing leading to strict lockdowns whenever the virus is detected in a community.  People that test positive are taken to regional…
