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Posts published in “Essays”

Frank McCourt’s Wake

The crowd assembled Saturday afternoon at the Washington Square Bar & Grill in San Francisco to pay tribute to the fallen teacher and author of “Angela’s Ashes,” and “Teacher Man.” Most attendees were of an…

Teddy Kennedy, Hollow Champion

Teddy Kennedy's disasters were vivid. His legislative triumphs, draped in last week's obituaries with respectful homage, were far less colorful but they were actually devastating for the very constituencies — working people, organized labor —…

Blue Ribbon Fish Protection

Coastal residents are protective of Mendocino County’s wild and rugged coastline — so protective that when the state announced a process for new marine protection zones, environmental groups and seafood harvesters started organizing. The State…

Bird’s Eye View 8/26/2009

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Let’s again get straight into a couple of Public Service Announcements. #173: The monthly Barn Sale is this weekend (August 29th &…

Bums at a Grave

The first movie I remember seeing at a movie theatre was The Court Jester starring Danny Kaye, Basil Rathbone, and the very young Angela Lansbury. 1955. I was six years old. As we left the…

Wonders Of The West

The Mountain West of the United States is an astonishingly varied showcase of nature’s wonders. From the Grand Canyon to Glacier Park, Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons, Mt. Rushmore and many other national parks, the American…

‘Of Paramount Importance’

  Improbable as it sounds, yes, The state has made it official – it's “borrowing” 8% of our Community Services District’s property tax money. District General Manager Serina Wallace estimates that Sacramento's long distance reach…

The Right Wing’s Prince of Gonzo

The “Prince of Darkness” — aka Robert Novak — who died last week of a brain tumor was the Hunter Thompson of the right, albeit with predictable differences. Thompson, like Rimbaud, espoused a total disordering…

Opposing The Fish Protection Act

The resisters of Marine Protected Areas are facing a challenge — whether to comply with the public process system to achieve their goals or use more assertive means such as litigation. The Humboldt County Harbor,…
