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Posts published in “Essays”

Farm To Farm

Dr. Chaulk stopped by the farm in the rain last Saturday afternoon to vaccinate the four remaining pups against parvo. He must know what he's doing. None of the pups noticed the needle in the…

A Traveler’s View: The Principality of Mendocino County

Mendocino County's public radio KZYX transmits the near and far, the left and right, up and down of what in a pretty red state seems a principality, an enclave, a refuge — the principality of…

Fela’s 15 More Minutes Of Fame

Perhaps the most popular play “on Broadway” in New York City is “Fela!” — the story of the most famous musical, and probably political, figure to ever emerge from West Africa. It's received rave reviews…

Not Even a Peanut

 A friend down the coast here in California called Wednesday to say that her mother, 95, had fallen, cracked her ribs, got a cough and told her daughters, “That’s it. I’m checking out.” She’s given…

Off the Record 12/16/2009

DR. RICHARD MILLER, MA, PhD and New Age audio avatar, may also be a literal carpet bagger. The doc seems to have bagged a valuable carpet belonging not to him but to the Mendocino Art…

Mendo’s Polanksi?

I just finished Jeffrey Toobin's excellent—if totally disturbing—Clint Smith, the Willits high school teacher who carried on a nearly year-long extramarital affair with his 15-year-old student. To be sure, the cases are different in fundamental…

Now the real fight begins…

  Include me among the Mendocino County folks who thought that a decisive election outcome last month had put on hold, at least for awhile anyway, the battle over big box retail development in the…

Mendo’s Management Deficit

Reader Michael Laybourn of Hopland recently asked: “Given the state of the county budget, what would you suggest to fix it other than layoffs of safety personnel?” First, the County should eliminate all management bargaining…
