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Posts published in “Essays”

Money Ball (Love)

Something marvelously strange is going on with my San Francisco Giants. For the first time since the decline and fall of Barry Bonds, the dead wood has been greatly minimized, money is being spent to…

Carrying a Backpack of Sorrow: Soldiers On The Edge Of Suicide

More of our young soldiers are now killing them selves than are being killed in our wars in the Middle East. The following poem by a 24-year-old former Marine, who slashed his wrists twice after four years of duty and two tours of combat, tells it all.

Great Moments In Public Deliberation

Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Meeting, March 23, 2010. Subject: Earthquake insurance for the courthouse. Cost: About $85k for a policy that covers up $50 million, then if the damage is more than that the…

Drinking the Wicked Bari Brew – Again

Twenty years later I should know better. But I can’t stop myself. I’m going to partake of the wicked Bari brew, knowing a nasty hangover is sure to follow. What has me bellied up to…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. First let me inform you that the always-smiling and friendly guy who regularly walks the dogs from the Animal Rescue around town…
