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Posts published in “Essays”

What’s New?

“Life is full of obstacle illusions.” — Grant Frazier A recent San Francisco 49ers game ended in a tie with the St. Louis Rams, the first professional football game to end in a tie in four years.…

Legalization (With A DUI Chaser)

Paul Stanford, 52, is the author and prime mover behind Oregon’s marijuana legalization initiative, Measure 80, which had gotten 46.5 percent of the vote as of Sunday morning when I called to offer condolences. “We…


Jim Jones's most ardent supporter in San Francisco press circles was Steve Gavin, the San Francisco Chronicle's city editor. A Baltimore native, he joined the Chronicle in 1969. Life in San Francisco agreed with Gavin,…

River Views

Last week’s column touched on Pomo sites near Fort Bragg, which in turn sent me to Samuel Alfred Barrett’s The Ethno-Geography of the Pomo and Neighboring Indians, first published in 1908. Much of the field…

Musical Weapons Of Mass Destruction

The Romney “Believe in America” bus may have been on the road right until the end, but in the last weeks of the campaign it was clear from the laughable musical forces gathered under the…

We All Need A Higher Minimum Wage

Election's over, the good guy won, so what now for working people? Labor's wish list for our re-elected president and the new Congress is long, but certainly the most basic item is raising the pay…

Nature Bats Last

“Deer have been around for five million years and must know what they’re doing.”— Elizabeth Marshall Thomas Our new home turns out to be a deer park, the resident deer so numerous and hungry that…

World War I, Lost In The Mist

November 11 is celebrated as Veteran's Day in the United States today. The date originally was known as Armistice Day to mark the end of hostilities on the Western Front during World War I. Why…

Slouching Toward San Francisco

Jim Jones was raised by a mother whose dreams were too big for the Indiana farm town where they lived. “Don't be nothing like your dad,” Lynetta Jones drummed into her boy, while big Jim…
