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Posts published in “Essays”

The Correct Handling Of Contradictions Among The People

Sunday morning I wake up and it’s still dark outside. The clock says 5:17, which means it’s already past eight in New Orleans. If Patrick Willis is up, then so am I. Wait, is Louisiana…


The Super Bowl rendered the usually crowded freeways of Phoenix, Arizona, as quiet as I-29 during a blizzard. Even Christmas can't command such a complete shutdown of the American automobile as the Super Bowl. Driving…

River Views

I belong to the Sierra Club and support most of the environmental stands they take. However, they also have a way of shooting themselves in the foot, publicly. Take the January-February issue of Sierra magazine.…

My Big Trip, Part 3

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”— William Shakespeare My friend Scott made a good part of his living as a rehearsal pianist for musicals running on Broadway in…

The Ballerat Bandit

The story of a man named the “Ballerat Bandit” has many parallels and contrasts to the Aaron Bassler story that captured the North Coast's attention in 2011. The Ballerat Bandit ran in the desert in…

Hoyle, Frase & Other Briefs

• Special Agent Peter Hoyle of the Mendo Major Crimes Task Force has brought another Bulgarian pot pharma to justice. This one is Dimiter Kostantinov, formerly of Sofia presently of Huntington Beach. Three years ago,…

River Views

Two hundred twenty-five years ago this week Thomas Jefferson wrote to his more conservative friend, James Madison: “I hold it, that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in…

Confessions of a Dirty Girl

I got an email from my sister a few months ago telling me she had entered me into some kind of obstacle course race. I am in school and work and have a kid but…

Frank Lloyd Wright

As he approached his 70th year, the great architect Frank Lloyd Wright endured a bout of pneumonia during a Wisconsin winter. “You could add 20 years to his life,” his doctor told Wright's wife, “if…
