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Posts published in “Essays”

Aht & Cultcha

I was curious to see this creation that someone, osten­sibly a human being, paid 142 million dollars for, and when I found the image online and made the triptych large and clear on my computer screen, I was surprised by how unremarkable I found this work to be. I’m sure there are academics and art experts galore who can bab­ble at length about why “Three Studies of Lucian Freud” painted by Francis Bacon in 1969 is of great importance in the history and evolution of modern art, but to my eyes this is yet another case of the emperor’s new clothes, as opposed to innovative, revolutionary, or masterful art.

50 Years

I was on my way to eighth grade math class, in the makeshift middle school in Dixon, in Solano County (four years after my family moved away from Boon­ville). Because we didn’t actually have a…

Ambling Towards Oblivion

What interested me more than Russell Brand's essay itself was the backlash that Brand and people on the Left who support his political stance received from elite Academic Leftists and insulated politically correct Secular Leftists.

Slaves Of Fruit

This has been a stupendous year for pears and apples in Mendocino, and though apples may retain their perfection for weeks and even months after picking, pears are perfectly ripe for but a fleeting — a few days at best — before they devolve into inedible rot.

That Day, Again

Everyone will be talking about where everyone was that day. Except that “everyone” in this country now means fewer than one in four people — those of us who were alive and of an age…

Bring On The Clowns

I’ve been trying to get out to see the local refugee camps, aka “Internally Displaced Persons” or IDP camps. There are checkpoints where documents are inspected and you must have some reason for going. My…

Duct-Tape Politics

The ObamaCare website rollout fiasco, joined by the bait-and-switch “You can keep your current insurance (not)” tempest, obscure the fundamental quandary about so-called health-care in America: that it is a gigantic racket structured to allow…

The Panhandling Lifestyle

"No kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." This was a 60s saying. And I believe it to be true. But when it comes to street begging, I'm beginning to wonder if giving money…

I Also Tried To Shut Down The Government

I was arrested in Washington DC in 1971 when we declared, “If the government doesn't stop the war the people will stop the government.” Our enemies were the ruling class, war, racism and sexism. 60,000…
