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Posts published in “Essays”

The Stony Lonesome #5, Criminology Edition

I hate committing crimes. I really do. It's scary and nerve-racking and guilt inducing and, well — wrong. This is why I fling myself headlong and heedless into the most doomed, idiotic, high risk, low…

The ‘Stain’ of Torture

The “Torture Report” is finally public, at least much of it, and it's been front-page news, and it is horrible, disgusting, shameful and embarrassing. Other nations not known for their respect for human rights such…

Choosing Names

Our dear friends Nick and Clare Bokulich, Nick the noted fermentologist, Clare the renowned musicologist and daughter of local viola legend Marion Crombie, recently sent us this pregnancy update. “Had one of those crazy 3D ultrasounds and they were able to see all of the organs and blood pumping through the veins and everything! It was completely overwhelming and exciting all at the same time. And we found out it’s a boy!”

Mendocino Talking: Pinky Kushner

Pinky was born and raised in St. Louis, spent time as a child living in Cuba, received her degree in comparative literature and her PhD in neuroscience. She is a leader in the San Francisco Sierra Club and has been involved in various environmental projects here in Ukiah.

Hymns Of The Pilgrim Conquest

Edward Winslow’s Good Newes from New-England published in 1624 in London begins its account in November of 1621. There is no word of the first Thanksgiving. That didn’t happen until 1623 and was a day…

It Happened In 1929

Once upon a time in Mendocino, a hundred years and more ago, children walked miles through downpours along Little Lake Road before splashing their way on up the rise to school. By 1912, the parents…

The Stony Lonesome: Literary Edition

A while back in the Letters section of this august journal there was an ongoing impromptu forum discussing folks’ top ten literary pics. I enjoyed reading our readership’s lists and was by turns impressed, amused,…

The New/Old Wild West

Okay, the grand experiment is over. Amazingly, a black man was elected president. It can't happen again until after 2050, the projected time when whites will be officially a minority. We see what happened -…
