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Posts published in “Essays”

Panther Soccer (Sep 16, 2015)

Readers may recall last week’s 1-1 report of the draw against Geyserville when AV had a perfectly legitimate goal taken away as a result of the referees’ incorrect ruling on the taking of a penalty…

The Stonedest Lonesome

I smelled Mendocino long before I ever visited her sylvan slopes and verdant valleys, and at a significant remove, too — roughly a thousand miles. A heady aroma it was, rich, complex, dank, earthy, evocative…

Outdoor Adventuring

Within a week I've seen A Walk in the Woods and Meru, two films about outdoor adventuring. A Walk in the Woods made it to Fort Bragg's Coast Cinemas. You are not likely to see…

Hillary Reveals Her True Colors

January 26, 1996  — The prime do-gooder bluestocking of all time was probably Beatrice Webb, who with her husband Sydney fostered the political tendency known as Fabianism, very influential in the evolution of the British…

The Parties Crawl Off To Die

I’ve alluded to being a registered Democrat now and again, a disclosure that makes some readers go feral with wrath. For years I could only justify it as formal opposition to the cretinous brand of…

The Stony Lonesome: Escape From Boredom

If prison has taught me anything — and it damn well better have, representing at this point about 23% of my life thus far, a significantly longer period than that of my formal education —…
