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Posts published in “Essays”

Dancing About Architecture

I am an outspoken critic of oh, pretty much everything. Tell me what you like and I will tell you why it sucks. Not in the reasoned, analytical manner of an actual critic, who will…

Disarm The Deranged?

Who's going to disarm Wayne LaPierre? If you want to see just how nuts he is, find a copy of the NRA magazine and read his column.

Goodbye Mr. Dietz

Monday night, June 27, 2016 — I believe that it is more than ok to say it like it is in politics. It is essential to an interesting public dialogue that viewpoints be precise and…

Brexit Musings

When I heard that a majority of British voters wanted to leave the European Union, my first thought was, “Well, I would want to leave, too, after what that union did and is continuing to do to the people of Greece and Spain in order to funnel more billions into the coffers of the corporate overlords via their putrid toxic derivative hedge funds.”

Revolutions Incorporated

Probably my favorite Fourth of July memory is the afternoon in Arcata when I got drunk early and wandered over to the ballpark just as the Redwood City team was taking pregame infield. Their massive…

Great America

If I were to sum up my personal philosophy in a single sentence, it would be this: Never try to encapsulate anything of import or complexity into a single sentence. Or perhaps: if your philosophy…

Sierra Fest 2016

There was a striking man walking up and down 128 all weekend with a goat on a leash. At least he looked like a man, wearing some kind of goatskin-looking coat. The goat was real,…

Engaging The Squares: Post-Orlando

Conservative writer P.J. O'Rourke, who used to butt heads with Molly Ivins on TV, came on the Tonight show once and explained right wing logic: "If you weren't a liberal when young, you had no…

Disarm The Deranged

When the twin towers fell on 911, at first it was thought that as many as 10,000 people might have been inside. A national call for blood donors went out in case there were many…
