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Posts published in “Essays”

Saved By Weather

"Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." This sentence flitted across my consciousness recently, apropos of nothing at all, and got me pondering. I think it's supposed to be a joke…

Nerve Gas Bosco: The Reload

BOSCO, the eternal curse. Frankly, we enjoyed the guy when he was an automatic Congressional vote for nerve gas, always waffled on offshore oil drilling, functioned as a total slave of corporate timber, and otherwise…

Redwood Classic Notes

THE 59TH ANNUAL Redwood Classic Basketball Tournament has come and gone, and I can say as a veteran of tournaments back to 1970, that the gym has never looked better, so good I thought maybe…

Boonville Man Reports from Standing Rock

Here is my best attempt at an update on our (me, Will Parrish, and others) experience in ND at Standing Rock. Please forward on to anyone who is interested. In the meantime, I am doing…

Community Questions for Blackbird

Since Democracy is not a spectator sport it was inspirational to attend the recent meeting sponsored by the Anderson Valley Community Action Coalition and moderated by the Anderson Valley Community Services District around community concerns…

On the Barricades at Standing Rock

North Dakota police officers wounded more than 150 people with concussion grenades and rubber bullets, and drenched hundreds more with high-powered hoses amid freezing temperatures, as part of a demonstration related to the Dakota Access…

A Visit To Blackbird Farm

The thing about Blackbird Farm and the full-color pictures painted of the beautiful children is that the moment the grossly expansive use permit is approved, the value of the land doubles, triples or quadruples and…

KZYX Surprises

An unexpected development appeared as an action item on the November 7th agenda of the KZYX Board of Directors meeting. The Board was asked to vote on the recommendation of the Hiring Committee for the…
