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Posts published in “Essays”

Vaccines & Trumpism

Let's talk about vaccines for a bit — even though doing so in public forums always risks going down a rabbit hole of anti-science, conspiracy theories, and endless random nuttiness.

Against Chinese Immigration

Last week's piece concluded with information about the rising tide of anti-Chinese attitudes in Mendocino County and the entire West during the late 1870s. By the autumn of 1878 the sentiment had spread across the…

SuperBowl Hits & Histrionics

Who says America doesn’t have a natural aristocracy? From young Bar(r)on von Trump to Lady Gaga, this country has produced legions of men, women, ADD teens, and hypoallergenic designer dogs, who radiantly fulfill Thomas Jefferson’s…

Partners In Crime

Prison is a young man's game. Or woman's; I don't want to take a sexist position here, but I will take an ageist one in that it absolutely requires the vigor and resilience of youth…

Deputy Orell Massey On Mental Health

Deputy Orell Massey is Mendocino County’s first and, so far, only black patrol deputy. He has recently semi-retired, shifting from patrol to prisoner transportation. The tall, fit former Marine sat down with us recently for…

In The Beginning There Was George

The insider's club is on the march. The recent election was really about City Manager Linda Ruffing. The people of the City thought that they were voting to end Ruffing's reign of deception. The good…

Discharge Your Chinamen

Once upon a time Mendocino was a real town with businesses extending beyond food service and B&Bs. In 1879 A.T. Rogers's blacksmith shop carried two thousand horse and mule shoes. An advertisement in the local…

Green Rush Casualties

Cannabis prohibition is a ripoff, disguised as a scam, concealed within a hoax, and the people who go into the black market tend towards the sneaky, scammy and opportunistic. I don’t really have much sympathy…

‘The Kid’ Visits The Unity Club

On Thursday February 2nd the Unity Club held its annual invitational luncheon featuring a person of local importance.  This year the invitee was Anne Molgaard, the new Assistant Director of the Mendocino Health and Human…
