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Posts published in “Essays”

Beyond Deportation

When President Obama appointed Dollie Gee to the U.S. District Court in 2010, he undoubtedly didn't expect her to mount a frontal challenge to his…

Suffering Fools

My friend John Grimes, the cartoonist, recently sent me an article from the Washington Post about Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump for President of the United States. The writer of the article suggests that since both Palin and Trump are Reality Television stars, this endorsement furthers the frightening trend of American politics becoming little more than a media circus designed to numb the populous while aggrandizing the stand-ins for the despots.

The True Causes

After over 20 years of mostly unsuccessful treatment for depression from both psychiatrists and psychotherapists, I have seen a bias in treatment toward internal causes…

Three Votes

A long line has formed in front of La Basilica de Nuestro Padre Jesus de Medinaceli, a Roman Catholic Church, specifically a basilica, located in…

The Stony Lonesome: No Homers

Alan "Sunny" Crow, late of Fort Bragg and more recently cooling his heels down Corcoran way, made his presence known here in the letters column…

Chesapeake Bay, Not Summer

I worked for the Baltimore News-American at the time of the blizzard of '66. I had a blue-and-white 4-place airplane. The News-American asked me to…

The Agonies Of Sensible People

Much as many people-who-ought-to-know-better have been enjoying the disruptive antics of Donald Trump, surely other cohorts and coteries have endured dark nights of the soul…

The Price Of Protest

I was in court on Friday, Jan. 23rd regarding my Willits Bypass protest case. Judge David Nelson presided this time, since Judge Behnke — who…

Fukushima Mon Amour

Is the crisis in Fukushima over or just beginning? You might be forgiven for scratching your head at that one. Nearly five years after the…
