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Posts published in “Essays”

Hospitals For Whites Only?

Saw an article about right-wingers' disdain for institutions of learning (Trump: "I love the poorly educated"). One suggestion was because universities have non-white people in them. Well, okay. In a country full of people who…

The Declaration of Sentiments

July 19th is the 200th day of the year. One hundred seventy-one years ago, on July 19, 1848 (a leap year), in the home of Elizabeth Cady Stanton in Seneca Falls, New York, a Declaration…

Stealing Sam’s Land

For many years four parcels of land drew water from springs on Sam Prather's Indian Creek Road property. The water was piped into a tank where it was distributed to Lynn Archambault's one acre where…

Shorty & the Great Crab Massacre

I watched the movie ‘Need For Speed’ over the weekend. Yes, willingly. I was not strapped into a chair with my glazzies pried open a la’ Clockwork Orange — and my expectations were solidly met,…

Mural, She Wrote?

Mendocino, CA. July 17, 2017 — It had all the trappings of the shopworn and thread-bare 1980-something NBC-TV mellow-drama “Murder, She Wrote.”  Strange stuff indeed.  The only reason that the old bird has any wings…

The Politics Of Nostalgia

For a long time I lived among educated middle class English who had a passion, verging on sickness, for Panhellenism, a nostalgic look back to classical Greece (without the slaves and bad drainage) as a “second home”.

Fort Bragg Notes

I was reading at the Headlands Café, waiting for six o’clock to roll around as city councilmen started trudging in one by one to get a caffeine booster shot in anticipation of the council meeting.…

Ambulatory Surgery

When I get home from my Spanish conversation class, there is a message on my answering machine informing me that my operation time has been changed from 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 25 to the same time on Friday, May 26.
