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Posts published in “Essays”

Drought Bound?

It was a dry Anderson Valley day in late January this year. The morning temperature was crisp, the sun warming, and the light and shadows bright and deep in the forest where I was piling…

Superbowl Goose Step

Donald Trump leads by example. He does so with his thumbs. He leaves it to others to jump in the cockpit of the bombers or helm the submarines, shoulder the AR-15s or don the helmet…

New York

I was walking down the street with my friend and a guy asked us for money.

“I can give you some food,” I said. He walked on, then turned back and said, “You got a samwich?”

The Tire Baby of the 1920s

When I was of preschool age in the 1950s my mother's method of discipline when we traveled about in public was to inform me that if I didn't behave myself I'd have to sit in…

The Way It Works

A ragged 10-year-old boy is picking barefoot through an ocean of trash, patiently searching for anything of value that his family can turn into food or shelter. He steps on what turns out to be…

Fong Wan’s Herbs

You never know what you'll run across. While researching other matters I found this item in a March, 1925 publication, with the headline, “Woman Turned to Stone.” Who could resist reading on to learn about…

The Smoking Life

Advertising has come a long way since the days when they'd just brashly trumpet the superiority of the product in a general way, saying things like: Buy this doohickey right now. It will improve your…

Mad Marx

London’s Bridge Theatre opened its steel and glass doors late last year on the South Bank of the Thames. The theatre takes its name from nearby Tower Bridge. The large foyer gives onto the walk…


In his book On Television, Pierre Bourdieu warns against the twin temptations of historical analysis: everything is totally changed and unlike anything that went before, and nothing has changed over the last thousand years. Nowhere…
