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Posts published in “Essays”

Cheney In A Pants Suit?

I don't suppose there'll ever be a time when female politicians aren't judged by their appearance. Now, Hillary is "Cheney in a pants suit." Wait…

Sunset & Growers

On Wednesday evenings during daylight savings time a local winery offers a late evening opportunity to visit their tasting room and see the sunset. They…

Panther Soccer (Aug 31, 2016)

The 2016 Boys' Football entered the second week of the new season with two more road games. both of which were non-league, but matches that…

Actual Abstract

An announcement came in the mail, and by mail I mean those actual paper things we find in our mailboxes. The announcement was from an old friend, Dan Nadaner, who is having a show of his paintings at an art gallery in Los Angeles, the LA Artcore Brewery Annex. Happily, I am still on Dan’s mailing list.

Protecting Peachland

I was recently chatting with Jan Pallazola and she mentioned the current project of the Save the Redwoods League purchasing a conservation easement on the…

Strangely Early

One of the great pleasures of living in this rural area is that many of my neighbors and friends are avid observers of the natural world. And so in early August when I began sharing my observations that maple trees and fruit trees and blackberry bushes here on the coast in Mendocino were behaving as if it was late September, many folks concurred with similar observations about the local foliage and fruit.

Sierra Stories

Three of us, the brother/sister team of Nick and E.B. along with yours truly, started our planned ninety-five mile trek on the John Muir Trail…

Waveland Avenue

Of course I couldn't wait. Waveland Avenue. Of course it's the street outside the left-field wall of Wrigley Field, Chicago. I'd been doing some Frank…
