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Posts published in “Essays”

The Odor Of Desperation

It must be obvious even to nine-year-old casual observers of the scene that the US national election is hacking itself. It doesn’t require hacking assistance…

Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize

Was that great global spluttering sound we heard this week the five members of the Nobel literature committee gagging on the lutefisk that is their…

WildeAcre Farm

It is an acre in size and it is now fairly wild. However 21 years ago, when I moved to Boonville from Los Angeles and…

Woodswork In The 1930s

My uncle Forrest was the youngest of Lillian Robertson and John Macdonald's six children. Forrest's childhood nickname was Huck, the characteristics associated with that moniker…

Pipes & Gravity

You might find this a little difficult to believe, but every now and then I find myself in a condition of violent disagreement with some…

Wounded Elephant

Last night’s debate raises some interesting questions, such as: would the Romans have elected Caligula if given the chance to vote? Can the Republican party…

Sweet Libby’s

There are days when things juxtapose so exquisitely, one can’t help feeling some sort of transcendent author is writing out the simultaneous arrival of related elements composing a harmonious whole greater than the sum of the parts.

Long Drive Home

I took this photo on my drive home from work last night. I was dog tired. So tired that even my teeth and toes ached.…

Clearing Some Smoke

We write to provide some perspective on Proposition 64 from California's medical associations. The California Medical Association has endorsed Proposition 64, the Adult Use of…

Not The Worst Criminal

I don't know who first coined the phrase "crime does not pay." I'm guessing that some morality play from the early 20th century, coming on…
