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Posts published in “Essays”

Hand & Glove Must Fit

Appears I somewhat influenced the county into somewhat enforcing its cannabis ordinance. At the Sept 11 BOS meeting, Planning and Building Dept. staff delivered a report on enforcement. Highlights from the report noted that: •…

Bringing Home the Grain

Inspired by the early work of the Anderson Valley Foodshed group, The Mendocino Grain Project was launched eight years ago by Doug Mosel, Sophia Bates, and John Gramke. A CSA (Community Support Agriculture)-style grain-share was…

Shooting the TV

Elvis Presley shot the TV when Robert Goulet's face came onscreen. That's how I feel when I see Trump's phony-baloney face makeup, fake tan and hairdo. Luckily I don't have a gun. Trump seems to…

My Friends

I must start writing about this abuse I have experienced. Now is the time. #Me too, but this is not a story of sexual abuse. I was 14 years old. It was the summer of…


Born and raised in Mendocino County, Mendocino County Detective Sergeant Luis Espinoza has spent the last eight years in local law enforcement, most recently in a small group specializing in gangs: investigating, arresting, heading off…

A Preliminary Assessment of the November Election

(AVA’s current preferences are in bold type — subject to change.)


Pinches because he's frugal, creative, truly independent.

Williams, although so far it's unclear why he wants to be a supervisor beyond the usual lib platitudes.

Finding A Home For History

Primary resources, in a historian’s world, are original materials upon which researchers can study to begin writing books or articles about any person or subject. If someone collected my handwritten draft of this newspaper story…

Imaginary Monsters & The Uses Of Chaos

The Kavanaugh hearing underscored another eerie condition in contemporary USA life that offers clues about the combined social, economic, and political collapse that I call The Long Emergency: the destruction of all remaining categorical boundaries for…

Bollocks to Brexit: The Plumber Sings

Lambeth, London — That Frank Sinatra’s recording of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” and Bobby Darin’s “Splish Splash I was Takin’ a Bath” are both among Charlie Mullins’s declared musical favorites might come as something…
