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Posts published in “Essays”

Live & Cooking at the Bop Shop

It’s 5:30p.m at the onramp to evening. A muddy, ice-rimmed park-n-ride lot adjacent to the Red Carpet Inn just off the Thruway near Geneva—New York…

Drugs Won The War On Drugs

The generation that has been squatting atop American society for the past half-century will soon enough be gone, thank God. The Love Generation is dying…


I do not actually remember when I first met Mike.  It seems like I have always known him and Sharon; they have been fixtures in…

$407 For Lab Testing A Pound of Pot?

California's Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act — called "mac cursor" — was passed by the legislature and signed by the governor in 2016. The…

Over Reactions

The human brain is an amazing organ, and capable of some genuinely astonishing things. I'm not even talking about Einstein-y super-genius level insight, which is…

Anxious SF Artist, Paul Madonna, Moves On

Artists are the “antennae” of the human race, someone once said. They’re the mind readers and the prophets who scope out the future. And sometimes…

What’s Next For Our Granges?

Part two of a two-part series taking a look at our area Granges and their future. In El Dorado County and across the state, a fight…

Cold Case Files

Television crime shows are often built around unsolved murders. Detectives re-visit old case files and talk to witnesses and likely perps again and again until…

Ear of Darkness

Not since last year, amidst the lightless heat of the presidential election, has your asbestos-suited Musical Patriot launched a sonic raid of such peril and…


With bee populations in decline worldwide and the so-called civilized world in no hurry to eliminate the known causes of these precipitous declines, more and more flowers are going unvisited by those faithful little pollinators.
