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Posts published in “Essays”

How I Got Fired From KPFZ

Part 2: The Inquisition  Now the dies were cast — I was out of the station and forever labeled a white supremacist/misogynist. There was of course the usual ritual finger-wagging session scheduled with the programming…

Harm Reduction

If there is one thing that sticks in the collective conservative craw (and I assure you there are many and various such indigestibles on their menu; one imagines a fussy two-year-old scowling stubbornly, arms folded,…

Cold War Casualty

We had blackout curtains on the window of our elementary school. They were supposed to protect us from the burns of the flash when the atomic bomb went off and saturated the room in a…

Performance Anxiety

How did I get into this? As a kid that was the inevitable question of concert day. I still ask it now and again. One of my colleagues, to be heard on violin with your…

How I Got Fired From KPFZ

Part 1: The Descent “Oh boy, you’ve really done it this time”, I thought to myself as I walked down the darkened hallway to the back door of the KPFZ’s Lakeport studio. I had just…

Semper Fine

This is for all the former Marine Corps “grunts” who might have served at Camp Las Pulgas, Camp Pendleton, California, the gruesome high dry desert where we trained for the jungles of Vietnam. Not the…
