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Posts published in “Essays”

Leaving On a Jet Plane

At 85 there are just some things you want to do before you just cannot do them. A case in point was to go to La Verne to see a new great granddaughter. We had…

Reading Together

Remember going to the library? I miss the reading rooms most—the busy hush of reading and research underway; the reluctance of old pages being turned; the furtive glances at the mysterious materials laid out on…

Sleeper Car & Mail Order Brides

Taking the train across country is a singular joy and I strongly recommend a berth in the sleeper car: There's that magic moment when you wake up in the middle of the night, the steel…

The Nakba Continues

As my grief and outrage mount at the predictable escalations of violence in Israel/Palestine, I once again marvel at the chasms of misunderstanding and miscalculations in describing events as they unfold and the script that…

More Trees than Grains of Sand

The biggest favor Mendocino County could do for itself is revive the long dormant logging industry.  A well thought-out program to utilize our abundance of trees makes as much sense as growing and harvesting corn…

Tom Allman: Measure B

Mark Twain is credited with apologizing to a friend for sending a long letter because he didn’t have time to write a short one. With that in mind, I would like to apologize to the…

Corinna, Corinna

Corinna Fales is anti-PC from an old new left perspective. She had been a political organizer in Newark for three years (1965-’67). In ‘68, when our paths crossed, she was one of the essential workers…

The Mendocino Outlaws: The Recapture of Dr. Wheeler

Dr. John F. Wheeler had been hiding in an abandoned cabin in Salt Hollow, a mile west of Cleveland's mill, for parts of two days and nights since his November 7, 1879, escape from the…

Pulling With “Highload”

In the last episode in the House of Morgan saga I reported luck more than skill had elevated me on The Greenchain to position #4, right next to and facing “The Boss,” Ken “Highload” Hurst.…
