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Posts published in “News”

Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Kent Rogers

I met with Kent at his home high above the Valley, approximately six miles up Peachland Road. After meeting his dog, Amy, a six-year old Labrador mix who Kent originally took in as a foster…

Bumper Crop In Mendo

“Is that the Master?” says one friend to another, sitting in a living room somewhere in Mendonesia. “You bet,” his friend replies, as he begins breaking down a sticky bud into tiny crumbles. “It smells…

Off the Record

THE FOCUS TODAY, dear reader, is on the local elec­tion results in the broader context of the great outside political world.

The Woman from Milan

This e-mail recently wafted out of cyber-space and on into our Boonville office: "I'm very appreciate to know you. Did you read someone in the book? What do you thinks? There are some error. I'm…

Overloaded & Overcharged

A Huey came thump-thump-thumping into the Ukiah airport shortly after noon last Wednesday. An under­cover cop wearing digital camos with a Glock 25 pistol riding in a Bianchi Quick-Draw holster right behind his kidneys, jumped…

Marijuana Raids & Covelo

Marijuana advocate Pebbles Trippet on the drug cops' recent adventures in Covelo.
