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Posts published in “News”

Farm To Farm

The rows of green salad bowl and buttercrunch lettuce that I'd planted in the shade of a line of hard maples and shagbark hickories are growing faster than the red salad bowl lettuce out in…

The Murder Of Jere Melo

Former mayor and long-time Fort Bragg City councilman Jere Melo was shot to death last Saturday morning about four miles east of Fort Bragg. Melo died instantly from what police subsequently described as “numerous gunshots…

Goodwill Punting

Most of the items on the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors agenda last week were mundane — garbage contract details, redistricting, redevelopment, a couple of routine rezones to rubberstamp, and so on. But there was…

Lady Mefferd’s DUI

Wine, good wine, as everybody knows, does not make you drunk. A 90 point pinot noir is not to be confused with 90 proof rum. Rum goes cheap. Wine goes for big bucks per swig.…

Off The Record

This Week: Marijuanaland; Eight months later, a new prosecutor; Mendo's budget demons; and much more

Summer Is Over

There's a door in the back of the Ten Mile Courtroom in Fort Bragg that is rarely left open. It’s behind the court reporter's desk and Judge Brennan's bench. As I sat in the gallery…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 7, Continued

Before driving back to the city, the girl I had befriended in the city and I took a walk up to a stately rock formation that was straight out of one of those misty mountain…
