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Posts published in “News”

Off The Record

This Week: Full Court Press, continued; Low Gap, distilled; Squaw Rock, renamed; and much more

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. And what better way to do that than to sing the praises…

Farm To Farm

The watermelons are ripening almost on time in spite of the unusually cold and wet spring that delayed planting by a month, thanks to a…

Death Sentences

There’s much speculation about the apparent epidemic of cancer at the County Courthouse. First to be stricken was Judge Ron Brown, who came up through…

Mendo’s Crazy Mental Health Funding

Supervisor Dan Hamburg tried to puzzle his way through the County’s mental health funding at last Tuesday’s meeting of the supervisors. The dependably exasperating effort…

Thou Shalt Not Grow On Common Lands

A camouflaged soldier in full battle fatigues walks through a dry, wooded hillside. Oak litter crunches under his feet. He is carrying an orange garbage…

Q&A With Laura Hamburg

The AVA talks with Hamburg about her proposed marijuana dispensary in Boonville.

Off The Record

This Week: A shake up at SEIU; Jim Gibbons tries to finish something; defunding the anti-pot warriors; and much more
