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Posts published in “News”

Off The Record

This Week: A gang problem in Fort Bragg; Outraged psuedo-libs vs. Tommy Wayne Kramer; Nuzzlebumming at the MTA; and much more

Panther Soccer / Futbol 2011

The play-offs began last Saturday afternoon for AV with the visit of Emery High School from the East Bay. The #1 Panthers hosted the #8…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. This coming Friday (November 11th) is Veterans Day (Remembrance Day in Europe…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 10

From my back door the view stretched at least 30 or 40 miles. The hills fell away until they reached the Eel River, then began…

Bang Bang Fort Bragg

Last week, a juvenile delinquent being tried as an adult for attempted murder was looking at attempted murder plus four other criminal counts and 11…

The Black Robe Shuffle

The judges played musical chairs at the Courthouse last week. Her Honor Ann C. Moorman became the new judge of Department A, the County’s main…

Standard & Poor’s vs. Mendocino County

Four hours after the Mendocino Board of Supervisors whacked County workers' pay by 12.5%, CEO Carmel Angelo told the Supervisors that Standard & Poor’s had…

Was Susan Keegan Murdered A Year Ago?

Mendocino County District Attorney David Eyster said, “No comment” last week when he was asked if the investigation into the untimely and improbable death of…

The Occupy Mendo Food Project

On the night and early morning of October 16th  to 17th, the San Francisco Police Department raided the Occupy San Francisco encampment at Justin Herman…
