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Posts published in “News”

River Views

The main office of Mendocino Redwood Company in Calpella contains a concrete enclosed room referred to as “the vault.” Along the wall opposite the vault’s doorway sit a long line of filing cabinets, each several…

Off The Record

CALTRANS has been ordered by a federal judge to correct its carelessly drafted environmental analysis that would widen and realign Highway 101 through the ancient redwoods of Richardson Grove State Park in Humboldt County. Southern…

Mendocino County Today: April 11, 2012

ACCORDING to the Sacramento Bee, California's deer population is down by half over the past twelve years. “Deer require a particular type of forest habitat called 'early seral.' This means they prefer to eat the…

Indian Creek Library

As I drive into Anderson Valley on Highway 128 for my occasional visits, I see mental snapshots taken during my childhood in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Sheep at Hulberts. J.T. Farrer’s store in…

Mendocino County Today: April 5, 2012

GIVEN THE CHOICE, I'd prefer the real Stalinism over the hippie version prevalent on the Northcoast, no better example of which was Monday night's Women's Voices talk program on KZYX, itself, along with KMUD and…

How Bad Is Mendo’s Foreclosure Problem?

"Last year 68% of the real estate sales in the County were depressed properties. Real estate values have dropped from a mean of $400k in 2007 to under $200k in 2012, and this is of course compounded by the effects of foreclosures on surrounding property values."

Hug A Kid, Go To Jail

So, this guy gives a kid a hug in a Ukiah laundromat and real fast he's a certified cho-mo. “Oh, come on,” you say. “There’s gotta be more to it than that!” No, that’s all.…

Excessive Force In Marijuana Search?

A 66-year-old Arcata medical marijuana patient has filed a lawsuit against the City of Arcata and police officers who allegedly carried out an illegal search of her home that included excessive force against her seriously…

Off The Record

DIRTGATE GETS DIRTIER. The Mendocino Transit Authority, aka Ghost Bus Inc., is building a kind of Taj bus barn and fancy offices for the agency's seldom seen boss, Bruce Richards. During construction, MTA arranged to…
