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Posts published in “News”

Grapes: The Hog In The (Dry) Stream

You may have noticed that most of the newer vineyards going in these days are what can be called “wall-to-wall” vineyards. Every plantable patch of vineyard dirt has vines on it. Sometimes the vines are even on the vineyard’s boundary fence.

Bird’s Eye View

Aquarelle Restaurant in Boonville is re-opening this weekend, Friday, January 24. Like all local businesses they rely on Valley folks for support more than ever during the winter months and, as I’ve said many times, “Eating out is fun.”

The Conference Championships

The San Francisco 49ers game against the Seattle Seahawks at Centurylink Stadium in Seattle was a bare knuckle brawl of a football game. The Seahawks ground out a 23-17 win.

‘Go Ahead And Taze Me, Punk’

Nelson Vose began his life of crime early on, and by the time he was 31, in February of 1998, and living in Willits, he was a seasoned offender, a felon, denied the right to…

Caltrans & Criminal Restitution

The Parrish case is a bellwether for Caltrans’ pursuit of “criminal restitution fees” in court cases against Willits Bypass protesters.

Supes’ Belated Drought Declaration

At the Tuesday, January 7, 2014, meeting of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors, John Pinches, newly seated as Board Chair, inserted a refreshing note of reality into an otherwise self-congratulatory parade of local officials…

‘At No Cost To You’ (Part 2)

Two weeks ago I wrote about my experiences with the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) billing department after having had a colonoscopy at that institution on November 25th of last year. Here’s the background for…

Bird’s Eye View

Who is the moronic motorcyclist who insists on tearing along Hwy 128 at approximately 80mph just north of Boonville at various times during the week and on Sunday afternoons in particular? The noise of his engine as he roars into the distance is most unsettling as you anticipate a deafening screech and crash at any moment. Hopefully he doesn’t kill anyone and the worst that happens to him is that his bike is wrecked and he has to wear a neck brace for a few months.

The 2013 Not So Simple Living Fair

My wife and I visited Boonville late last July. We came to see some friends on the weekend of the Not So Simple Living Fair, which sounded like the sort of thing we would be interested in. Perhaps humanity can survive the "cheap" carbon energy era with far fewer of us living a radically different way of life.
