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Posts published in “News”

DRIPS: Free Workshops on Rainwater Conservation

Mendocino County Resource Conservation District and Mendocino College team up with local water experts for practical solutions to drought Ukiah — Have you been wondering how to save water during the drought? Are you confused…

Off The Record (Apr 9, 2014)

AS PRINT NEWSPAPERS pass into the frenetic oblivion of the internet — the Newark Star-Ledger is the latest large-circulation paper to radically downsize — the AVA is also poised to make fundamental changes, changes made…

Pardon The Interruption

Charles ‘Max’ Sperling of Willits was facing a number of charges last week, and that was before he picked up a DUI driving to court one morning. But things seemed to be going his way…

Caught With Their Pumps Down

Finally some clarity. After years of scratching my head in bewilderment at the seeming ignorance, greed and hypocrisy of both the wine industry and the general public that so lavishly supports it, I think I'm…

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 9, 2014)

Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble sleeping without the comforting roar of the wineries’ frost protector fans over this past week?

Trouble Sleeping? Here, Take A Re-Zone

Last week we reported the County’s difficulties in rezoning a minimum number of Ukiah area acres to satisfy a court-ordered settlement agreement with Legal Services of Northern California. Legal Services had sued the County for…

Steven Bates Trio!

Due to popular demand and peer pressure Mendocino Stories & Music Series has added another event to the Spring season. Having the choice of booking a Steven Bates Trio isn’t such a tough decision. Come…
