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Posts published in “News”

Final Arguments

The check fraud case against Christopher Mulcahy continued to crawl through Judge Behnke’s court last week with all the drama of a snail’s progress through a vegetable patch. Late in the week, DA David Eyster…

Off the Record (May 28, 2014)

MENDOCINO COUNTY is less broke than it has been, CEO Carmel Angelo told her captive board of supervisors last week. Supervisor John McCowen didn't leap to his feet to shout hossanahs, but he did express…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Local Campaign Finance;
Willits Roundabout;
Getting Old;
Seeking Solidarity;
32 Poets;
Frost Monster Action;
Police Reports;
France Today;
Trashing San Francisco

Spring Salad U

We are hosting a Late Spring Salad class with a look at some water-conserving strategies on Floodgate Farm on Heart Mountain. In addition to tasting and discussing the health-giving properties of 40 salad ingredients, we…

Time & Materials:

"Growth Rings" exhibit provides retrospective on work of College of the Redwoods Fine Woodworking Program graduates by Roberta Werdinger On Friday, June 6, from 5 to 8 pm, the Grace Hudson Museum will host an…

The Politics of Hypocrisy

In February 2013, Mendocino County Supervisor John McCowen visited the now-famous tree sit of Amanda “The Warbler” Senseman south of Willits. Senseman, a 25-year-old goat and vegetable farmer who now works growing produce for Willits-area…

The Health Center Meeting

DISGRUNTLED locals filled the high school cafeteria late Monday afternoon for a meeting of the Anderson Valley Health Center's board of directors. Complaints about the ominous direction of the Center, which seems to be lurching…
