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Posts published in “News”

Bird’s Eye View (Dec 23, 2014)

Having frequently witnessed the white-bearded grin of AVA Mighty Leader, Bruce Anderson, and heard his jolly laughter on many occasions, I am unable to get over the thought that the red-coated stranger who struggles to come down our Valley chimneys in the early hours of December 25 may not actually be Santa Claus. Now that’s something to ponder as you go to bed this evening.

Old and In The Way

Last week Yuta Sakane was held to answer on charges of vandalism — crimes he committed the day before Thanksgiving against his own parents. Respect for one’s elders has long-since been jostled aside by youth…

Off the Record (Dec 23, 2014)

WE DOVE DEEP the other afternoon in an impromptu office discussion about torture. A friend said she thought people everywhere were getting worse, especially American people. The rest of us said versions of.... While we…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Dec 23, 2014

101 Fatality;
Hamburg/Sinnott Union;
Macheted Officer Released;
Solstice Kingtides;
Saulsbury Witnesses;
Oaky Joe Calendars;
Catch of the Day;
Christian Torture;
Dumb Left;
FB Robbers;
Santa Suggests;
First Hippie;
LAFCo Watchpup;
Holiday Reading

AVHC Board Meeting (with Agenda)

The December meeting of the AVHC Board will be held today, Wednesday, December 17 at the Rose Room at the Anderson Valley Museum at 5:30 p.m. Meeting Agenda 5:30-5:35 Call to order, Introductions, Establish Quorum, Approval of…

California’s Dammed Fish

A few weeks ago, I assessed the possibility of a massive 2015 fish kill in the Trinity and Klamath Rivers (“Impending Fish Catastrophe On the Klamath-Trinity”) owing to drought-induced lack of cold water storage in…

Because It’s Pink

For the past few decades California’s prison population has grown into something of an international scandal and three federal judges have ordered Governor Jerry Brown to do something about it. To be fair to the…

Off the Record (Dec 17, 2014)

RUMOR OF THE WEEK: The Coast branch of the CHP maintains a "little red binder" in which the names of habitual drunks are kept. The CHP then visits alcohol vendors asking them not to sell…

Bird’s Eye View (Dec 17, 2014)

Isn’t it around this time that the “Thirteen Days of Christmas” begin? And how come we almost never sing about the 13th day? You know, the one that goes “On the thirteenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, thirteen Turkey Vultures preying,” arguably the most moving line of all.
