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Posts published in “News”

Yorkville Ranch Tours

(Sep 26) Anderson Valley Land Trust presents the 5th, almost annual, Sustainable Discoveries event on Saturday, September 26, 2015. For inquisitive folks truly interested in sustainable agriculture, this year promises to be another one-of-a-kind experience.…

Mendocino County Fair and Apple Show

September 18, 19 & 20 at the Boonville Fairgrounds. Note: most fair entries will need to be submitted on Wednesday, Sep 9, or Thursday, Sep 10. SCHEDULE HIGHLIGHTS FRIDAY, Sep 18: Jr. Swine Show is…

Bird’s Eye View (July 29, 2015)

Are you up for some significant service to our community? Well your opportunity to make a difference has arrived. With High School Principal Michelle Hutchins taking on the extra duties of School Superintendent starting in the fall, many Valley folks believe a number of new ideas may be introduced at our local schools, and now we are presented with a chance to make a positive complement to her appointment: The upcoming School Board elections in the fall.

Wine Industry Water Grab?

California's slow-mo adoption of groundwater regulations is prompting all sorts of legal maneuvers by the state's irrigation elite, who are striving for the fewest restrictions on their pumps possible. In the Russian River watershed, from…

The Right To Bear Arms

Danilo Zacapa-Diaz was living happily ever after in Anderson Valley after a felony bust 10 years ago. He had a wife and family of three kids and another on the way. He provided for his…

Off the Record (July 29, 2015)

BOWE BERGDAHL, the once-missing US soldier in Afghanistan released in a prisoner exchange with the Taliban and later accused of desertion, turned up in Mendocino County last week. He was visiting old friends in Redwood…

Proposed Act To Establish The Russian River Irrigation District

Existing law, the California Irrigation District Law, provides for the formation of irrigation districts and grants these districts authority relating to the production, storage, transmission, and distribution of water, among other things. That district law…

The Fort Bragg Initiative

On Monday evening, July 13th, the Fort Bragg City Council met in front of a subdued audience of 25-30 citizens. Anna Shaw, head of the Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center (MCHC) was there, so were a…

The Bear Lincoln Case Revisited

In the late afternoon of April 14, 1995, just over 20 years ago now, Arylis Peters shot and killed Gene Britton in the Covelo High School parking lot. Peters and Britton both had been drinking.…
