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Posts published in “News”

Craft Exhibition in Mendocino

In celebration of October’s American Craft Week, AIM (Artists in Mendocino) and MCF (Mendocino Coast FurnitureMakers) have joined together to present a diverse exhibition of contemporary craft. Featured work will include: contemporary quilt and fiber arts, glass,…

The Reservoir Stops Here

On the edge of the Yolly Bolly Wilderness, about 15 miles north of the dusty cattle and marijuana town of Covelo, 81-year-old Richard Wilson sits across from me in a ranch house his father constructed…

The Empty Seat Defense

Richard Bolton, Jr. made no attempt — no pretense at all that he was growing all that pot for medical purposes when it was obvious he was growing for tax free cash, and the Mendocino…

Talen Barton Sentenced To 71 Years To Life

Nineteen-year-old old Talen C. Barton was sentenced Tuesday to 71 years to life in prison for the Laytonville stabbing murders of Coleman Palmieri and his 17-year-old son Teo Palmieri, and for the attempted murders of…

Why Was the AT&T Outage So Bad?

It’s been more than a month since vandals severed AT&T’s fiber optic line in a remote area south of Ukiah, sending untold tens of thousands of customers into an information blackout. (“Untold” because AT&T isn’t…

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 14, 2015)

A Three-Dot regular reminds me that two of the current five members of the AV School Board are leaving when their terms end in less than a month. Martha “Marti” Bradford, who, after so many years service, to paraphrase an old Three-Dot joke, apparently will not be carried out of the boardroom in a box after all, and Patti Wilson. Richard “Dick” Browning’s term is also up, but I am reliably informed he plans to return and nobody has applied to oppose the sprightly 80-year old’s tenure at this point.

Off the Record (Oct 14, 2015)

A WOMAN CALLED Monday morning with a sad tale of being ripped off by a particularly slimy attorney called Dan Russo, and was only in mid-tale when her cell phone gave out. I hope Kelly…

Talen Barton, The Documents

On July 19, 2015, Talen Barton was at the residence of Cindy and Coleman Palmieri, Barton’s foster parents in the past. Also at the residence where Ms. Palmieri's brother, Theodore Norvell, her son Teo Palmieri and two minor females who are also related to the Palmieris. Late in the evening after everyone had gone to bed Barton went into Teo’s room and placed his hand over Teo’s mouth as he slept and attempted to slice his throat with a knife. Teo woke up and started screaming as he fought for his life due to the traumatic injury to his neck. Ms. Palmieri heard her son screaming, entered his room and was immediately stabbed in the neck by Barton. After being stabbed in the neck, Ms. Palmieri started screaming for her husband, Coleman. Barton then went to the bedroom of Coleman and Cindy Palmieri. However, once Barton arrived he met Mr. Palmieri running for the door. Once they reached each other, Barton stabbed Mr. Palmieri in the throat. After the confrontation with Mr. Palmieri, Barton went downstairs where he observed Mr. Norvell entering the kitchen. He then stabbed Mr. Norvell in the neck.

Fort Bragg Notes

WHY THE HARE CREEK SHOPPING CENTER should not be built, a very long letter, which we've brilliantly edited to its 50-word essentials, from Fish and Wildlife to Marie Jones, Community Development Director, City of Fort Bragg. Those essentials are, Hare Creek is a fairly large project that would increase demand for Fort Bragg's severely depleted water by nearly 2,000,000 gallons, and this in an ongoing drought from a City water supply already in ration mode and already drawing so much water from it natural sources in the Noyo River, Waterfall Gulch and Newman Gulch that already imperiled fish are further imperiled.
