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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People (Jan 8, 2014)

THE NEW YEAR used to be celebrated in Boonville with gunfire and low intensity explosions commencing, it always seemed, at nightfall. No more. We're a pretty tame bunch anymore. The anarchic sectors of The Valley's…

Valley People (Jan 1, 2014)

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: Steve Williams Henry Hill Alyce Falge Harold Perry Raul Malfavon Deborah Sarsgaard Robert Tomkins Clyde Price Mike Langley Elizabeth Carson Leo Howard Brian Blumberg Bert Schlosser & Tom Croak Diane Zucker…

Valley People: Dec 24, 2013

WE'RE GRATEFUL to Thom Elkjer for his affecting reminisces of Brian Blumberg, a crucial Valley guy for at least 30 years. Brian did a lot of our plumbing work at the old AVA compound on…

Valley People

EXCUSE ME, but is it any secret that the economy of Anderson Valley runs on dual intoxicants called mari­juana and wine? Why, then, would the local school board and its feckless (and wildly overpaid) attorneys…

Valley People

A MORE comprehensive account of last weekend's Redwood Classic hoops tourney is coming, but for now local fans should know that Branson won it in double overtime over Stuart Hall, and Mendocino surprised a lot…

Valley People

THERE ARE SOME big weekends in Boonville — fair time, rastafest, the annual beer party, a variety of wine events, and so. But the first weekend in December is right up there with the rest,…

Valley People

THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BOARD announced last Wednesday night that Patty Liddy, wife of Steve Sparks, has been hired as the District's new secretary effective in January. Ms. Liddy replaces retir­ing secretary Joanie Clark who,…

Valley People

THIS SEASON'S FIRST home invasion occurred last Tuesday morning, November 5th, between 3 and 4am when four masked Mexican males, estimated ages 20-40, armed with a pistol and a rifle, took jewelry and 16 pounds…

Valley People

DISASTERS large and small, Tuesday, the largest being a vegetation fire on Guntley Road, Navarro, which would place the blaze on the Holmes Ranch. First reports reached us at 1:30pm. “Send everything you have,” an…
