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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People (April 19, 2017)

CONGAREE RIVER, a timber company with large holdings in the Anderson Valley, has filed a timber harvest plan for the area west of Boonville from Ham Canyon rambling on to west of Philo, abutting a…

Valley People (April 12, 2017)

SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Michelle Hutchins and family are desperately seeking temporary housing — 3-4 bedrooms — for  June and maybe July. Please call Jim 707-496-8725 with information. IN CASE you missed it in the Vulch, “Aquarelle…

Valley People (April 5, 2017)

ATTENTION GOAT ROPERS! On Saturday, April 22, AV Foodshed will be hosting the 3rd Annual Anderson Valley Goat Festival—a day of family fun, food, and live music. For that day we will once again be…

Valley People (March 29, 2017)

IT WILL TAKE me a while to think of Mike Shapiro as the "late Mike Shapiro," because he was a friend for so many years. I first met him at a school board meeting in,…

Valley People (March 22, 2017)

IN A VIRTUALLY secret big name bicycle event two Saturdays ago, the renowned Lance Armstrong and 275 pro bikers raced from Anderson Valley High School, west up Mountain View Road and on over to Point…

Valley People (March 15, 2017)

COSMO KNOEBBER, the sage of Comptche, nicely sums up the feeling of most of us about Daylight Saving: "YAY! My watch will soon be right again!" BRUCE PATTERSON WRITES: “Wow, finally got the AVA and…

Valley People (March 8, 2017)

ANDERSON VALLEY awoke Monday morning to snow on the hills, hope for Spring in their hearts, as Winter goes on and on, its random sunshine days making us yearn for more than two days here,…

Valley People (March 1, 2017)

THE UKIAH ROAD is a mess. Slides all the way, some of them right to the edge of the pavement, poised to slip away, taking the roadbed with them. Highway 253 needs major rehab, but…

Valley People (Feb. 22, 2017)

A FACEBOOK POSTING on Graciela Torres’ employer’s facebook page said the following: “It is with a broken heart that we say goodbye to our beloved angel, Graciela Torres, VP of Luxury Maids, Inc. who passed on February 14, 2017.
