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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People (Dec. 20, 2017)

IT WAS positively inspiring to see so many Anderson Valley people at a recent meeting of the Board’s Public Health, Safety, and Resources Standing Committee (made up of just John McCowen and Dan Hamburg) to…

Valley People (Dec. 13, 2017)

JUST AS her husband was preparing to preside over last weekend’s 60th annual Redwood Classic Basketball Tournament, Cecilia Pinoli suffered a stroke at her Philo home, which might well have been fatal if Cecilia hadn’t…

Valley People (Dec. 6, 2017)

THE ABSENCE of big rains is beginning to be worrisome. November came and went with less than a couple of inches, and December is sunny and clear with the frigid nights of early spring. The…

Valley People (Nov. 29, 2017)

THE RECENT deaths of Kay Clark, Jim Colling and Bob Kirkpatrick saddens everyone who knew them, me included. I looked forward to annual conversations with Kay at the Boonville Fair, and her husband Burton before her, too, and ongoing but periodic association with the Clark’s logger son, Brian.

Valley People (Nov. 22, 2017)

THOSE SIRENS resounding through Boonville early Saturday a little before 6am, were deputies racing to the scene of a shooting Saturday night on the Manchester reservation. FROM THE SHERIFF: On November 19, 2017 around 5:43…

Valley People (Nov. 15, 2017)

FROST FANS clamored on after midnight a week ago Tuesday morning in various areas of the Anderson Valley, and probably malicious on the wine industry’s part since insiders tell us there’s no industrial ag imperative at 3am this time of the year. The noise was especially intrusive in the SOBO neighborhood of South Boonville. The fans are so loud you can't sleep through them, even with ear plugs. They are also clearly in violation of the County's unenforced noise ordinance, but the grape juggernaut does what it wants. If these fans were posted in marijuana fields we can be certain the county would demand air strikes to silence them. It occurred to us that perhaps the fans went off in the early hours because SoBo’s wine moguls think we still live in the neighborhood. But wherever you live in the Anderson Valley, you can hear them. They hadn't been activated this season until this morning, never were used this past harvest as there were no freezes.

Valley People (Nov. 8, 2017)

ALSO at 5 o'clock Halloween, the only guy booked into the County Jail so far was Captain Fathom. Last time I saw the Captain, he said Sheriff Allman had given him a "free pass" from arrest, a permanent Get Out of Jail Free card. Looks like Allman revoked it. Seriously, though, booking Fathom for "failure to appear"? Of course he isn't going to appear. At this point the poor guy probably can’t remember his birthday let alone a court date.

Valley People (Nov. 1, 2017)

WE ARE SADDENED to learn that Bernice Clow has died, wife of the late Jim Clow. Jim Clow was manager of the Boonville Fair and Fairgrounds in the 1970s and 80s. Some of us will…

Valley People (Oct. 25, 2017)

ABOUT 9:30 last Friday morning, as reported by the CHP, "A vehicle crashed into picnic tables and is now on the front lawn of the Navarro General Store at 231 Wendling Street in Navarro." WHICH…
