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Posts published in “Features”

Who’s Getting Released?

Dear AVA, Thank you for sending your book, “Mendocino Noir”! I received the note to retrieve my book here at Soledad prison from the package…

Letters to the Editor 1/6/2009

TRUST THE TRUSTEE To the editor: Thanks to the thousands of voters in Mendocino and Lake counties for their incredible support during the election for…

Off the Record 1/6/2010

THIS POOR GUY, a walking advertisement for single payer health coverage, was booked into the Mendocino County Jail a few days ago for missing probation appointments,…

Pass The Red-Tail

The sun was setting, so the light was dim in the woods, but I could see his face well enough, especially with the fire so…

Valley People 1/6/2010

WILLIAM HOUSLEY kicks off his new business, Vintage Wine Tours, this Saturday (January 9th) with a barbecue and complementary tour of The Valley's wineries. Be…

Open Letter to John Coate

Dear John Coate, KZYX GM I wrote your colleague, news director Paul Hansen, a lengthy email on Dec 1 about the Mendocino Medical Marijuana Board’s…

Adult Behavior

This New Year’s resolution business is for the birds. What we should have is New Week’s resolutions. That way we could acknowledge our failures and…

Letters to the Editor 12/30/2009

Almost of a year ago, I wrote an editorial for the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat in which I called on Barack Obama to be the hero the country so sorely needed (“We Need a Hero,” SRPD, 1/18/09).

Off the Record 12/30/2009

BACK ON MONDAY the 14th of December, the Board of Supervisors, as expected, voted 5-0 to allow a quarry operation on Poonkinney Road, an area…
